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1 Shakespeare: {by Ophelia's desk} I found a clever thing on the net. The legendary Helen had a "face that launched a thousand ships", so a millihelen is a unit of beauty sufficient to launch one ship.
2 Ophelia: Oh Will, that's so old. Everyone knows that. And it's silly too.
3 Mercutio: {walking up to join the conversation} That's not the real problem with it though.
3 Ophelia: Oh, and what's that?
4 Mercutio: You can't mix metric prefixes with Troy units like that.
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Incidentally, the line about launching a thousand ships comes from this:
FaustusThis is from The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, a play published in 1604, by William Shakespeare's contemporary, Christopher Marlowe, after whom Will, Ophelia, and Mercutio's boss is named.Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships,
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?--
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.
I'm more concerned about those "topless towers of Ilium", though. How is a tower topless? If it doesn't have a top, then that would imply that it goes up forever.
EDIT: Well, naturally several readers chimed in with suggestions:
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