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1 Caption: Oh, the weather outside is frightful / and the carolers are spiteful. / But if their threats won't suffice: / Hastur once, Hastur twice, Hastur thrice!
2 Caption: They're showing no signs of stopping, / People's heads they are a-lopping / The chanting is not too nice: / Hastur once, Hastur twice, Hastur thrice!
3 Caption: When they finally end their song, / How you'll hate seeing what will come next! / You'll see the angles are all wrong, / And your mind will be most vexed!
4 Caption: People are slowly dying, / There's no time for the good-bying. / For such frights just take this advice: / Hastur once, Hastur twice, Hastur thrice!
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It's the traditional Christmas Eve comic again! As usual, I wish you all the best or, if you're not into the whole Christmas thing, at least you might get some fun out of this version of the song "Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!"
If I do, I'm sure I'll be telling you about it somewhere, because it'll be one of the most exciting events in my life. I can't even imagine what my reaction will be if I see flakes of snow falling from the sky.
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