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1 {scene: The Vatican, 1633}
1 Pope Urban VIII: So, how did the trial of Galileo go?
1 Man in Black: Here is the transcript.
2 {scene change: flashback to courtroom}
2 Galileo: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me.
2 Member of Public: He's just a poor boy, from a poor family.
2 Galileo: Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?
3 Judge: No, we will not let you go!
3 Member of Public: Let him go!
3 Judge: We will not let you go!
4 {scene change: flashback ends}
4 Pope Urban VIII: Can we trust this?
4 Man in Black: Yes. This transcript comes from none other than the Queen.
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Last time we left Galileo, it was with Pope Paul V in office. This strip is set during the time of Galileo's heresy trial, which occurred some 23 years later, during the reign of Pope Urban VIII, who appears in this strip.
Pope Urban VIII: This time it's parsonal.
I can't help it if he looks a lot like Paul V.
And in between was Pope Gregory XV, who was Pope for only two years before he died. Gregory issued the last papal ordinance declaring witchcraft a crime against the Church, though he lessened the punishments and demanded stronger proof of the accused having entered into a compact with the Devil before they were sentenced to death. He was also a patron of the arts, and invited Guercino to Rome, where he was inspirational in developing the High Baroque style of the period. All in all, it was rather Bohemian times.
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