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1 Mercutio: Okay, everyone into the back of the van.
2 Ophelia: Why are the windows blacked out?
3 Mercutio: I want the set to be a surprise when we get there.
4 Shakespeare: Also we’re not sure if we’ll actually get there or not.
4 Mercutio: Shhh!!
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I had to dig this black van out of storage. Unfortunately the rubber Lego tyres had gone oily, which is a known issue with storing those pieces for long periods of time. The Internet is divided on whether it's a residue left over from moulding the pieces, or if it's an oil exuded by the rubber as it begins to break down chemically over time.
I gave it a bit of a wash with some dishwashing detergent and lots of water, and that seems to have cleaned it off. Although I expect it will reappear again given more time.
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