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The Steve and Terry CastStrips in this theme: [First | Latest]
SteveSteve is a guy who wrangles crocodiles for a living. He loves his job, but it can be a bit boring sometimes. He'll also try his hand at snakes, spiders, lions, charging rhinos, scorpions, angry parrots, and giant squid. Nothing seems to faze him.
TerryTerry is Steve's long-suffering wife. She helps Steve when he gets into trouble, which is surprisingly often.
CthulhuMighty Cthulhu is one of the Great Old Ones, an Elder God who lies in eternal deathless sleep in the sunken nightmare city of R'lyeh. Even being aware of his very existence is enough to push strong men to the brink of insanity. Not that that would ever stop Steve.
The Charity Collector GuyThis guy works for several local charities and worthy causes, either collecting donations, selling fundraising items, or sometimes just doing door-to-door surveys. He usually carries a clipboard. He always calls on Steve because he knows Steve is a kind, generous, concerned individual who would actually contribute to these crazy causes.
Jane GoodallJane Goodall is a famous primate researcher, who set up the Jane Goodall Institute to promote understanding and conservation of chimpanzees. She is a dedicated and tireless worker for conservation issues worldwide. She's an old friend of Terry's, and thinks Steve is a jerk. Read more about Jane. |