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Classic comic reruns every day
1 {scene: Miss Geltschilling's office, London}
1 Stud: Miss Geltschilling! Is there any end to my romantic conquests today?
2 Geltschilling: I don't know? Is there a beginning?
2 Stud: How have you and I never hooked up?
3 Geltschilling: It would take an investigator with a tiny bit more ability than you to figure that mystery out...
4 Stud: Flattery will get you everywhere, Geltschilling.
4 Geltschilling: I'll tell you if I use any.
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It was interesting recreating Miss Geltschilling's office from the older strips #364 and #366. This is the first time Geltschilling has appeared since those two strips.
The background image through the window of St Paul's Cathedral in London is a Creative Commons image from Wikimedia Commons, by Bernard Gagnon. As such, this individual comic strip is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 licence.
With that view of St Paul's Cathedral out the window, Geltschilling's office might be located in the London Stock Exchange. Or maybe the Tate Modern. (Anyone with a better knowledge of London geography and/or a more useful tool for this purpose than Google Maps is welcome to offer other possible suggestions.)
Edit: If only I'd clicked through to the photo information page on Wikimedia Commons and read it, I would have discovered that the photo was indeed taken from the Tate Modern. So there you go. (Although probably with a long lens, so the perspective won't quite match the view out the window through a human eye.)
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