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Classic comic reruns every day
4 September, 2006
1 {scene: Head Death's desk on the Infinite Featureless Plane of Death.} Steve Irwin has been killed by a stingray while filming a new wildlife documentary on the Great Barrier Reef. This news has shocked me. Like many people, I thought he was practically invulnerable. I am not, however, going to change my approach to comics in the Steve and Terry theme. In particular, I have strips in the current story arc already made and queued up, and they will appear as originally intended. I've said before that I do not shy away from making jokes in the face of tragedy. If that attitude bothers you, you should not be reading this comic. I have always publicly denied that the character of Steve is based on Steve Irwin. The fact that Steve (the character)'s wife's name is Terry, whereas Steve Irwin's wife is Terri should be abundant evidence that they are different people and any resemblance is pure coincidence. So while we will miss Steve Irwin, Steve and Terry will continue. I think he would have wanted it that way. Coincidentally, the next scheduled update after Irwin's death was #1317. |