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<   No. 2102   2008-10-28   >

Comic #2102

1 {scene: Dwergenberg. Pitch blackness}
1 Mordekai: Question?
1 Alvissa: Yes?
1 Mordekai: Why don't we use Kyros' orb to get some light?
2 Alvissa: Good thinking. Kyros?
3 {beat}
4 Alvissa: Kyros?
4 Mordeka: Okay, you've satisfied my curiosity.

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Writing this as I am before the first of these underground strips goes to air, I can't tell if anyone will have yet already asked the question of why Kyros isn't using his orb to provide light.

And if you thought all the messing around with causality and paradoxes in time travel was difficult to grok, imagine how long it took me to sort out the grammar of that sentence above.

2020-09-19 Rerun commentary: Remembering back, I don't believe anyone raised that question before this strip went live for the first time.

It's often the case that readers won't question something that you fear they might. Of course on the other hand, they will certainly question something that you either assumed they'd just accept on good faith, or that you didn't even think about.

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