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1 Me: Need an idea for a new comic.
2 Me: {gets great idea}
3 Me: Oh man, that's hilarious! Now, how many panels do I need?
4 Me: 1. Thinking. 2. Get the idea. 3. Say how funny it is. 4. List the panels. 5. Great punchline.
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2011-11-25 Rerun commentary: As the rerun commentary on this comic, I thought I'd reveal the intended punchline to the strip. I just need to make sure I can fit it into the 1024 character limit of this field in the database. (Wow, I remember that shirt. It was one of my favourite shirts at the time, but it's worn out now and was discarded some years ago. I can't remember exactly when that was, but I do remember I kept it rather longer than my wife was happy with, because it was such a favourite, with the result that it ended up with several holes in it, where usually I would discard a - less-favoured - shirt once it had developed a single obvious hole. I think that even after it was too scrappy to wear out, I still wore it around the house. Amazing how attached one can get to a simple piece of inanimate material. Also amazing how some shirts can wear out so quickly; I had this other favourite shirt at the same time, which is still good!) Anyway, without further ado, the punchline of the joke that I didn't have room for in the comic is ba
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