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1 SFX: Knock! Knock!
2 Young Jane Goodall: Yes?
2 Charity Collector Guy: Hi, I'm collecting for the Save the Wildlife Fund.
3 Young Jane Goodall: Oh for the love of... I don't care a tinker's cuss about saving wildlife! Get out of here! I never want to see you again!
4 Charity Collector Guy: Perhaps you know someone who would donate?
4 Young Jane Goodall: Hmm. Yeah, wait, I have an address for you...
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A tinker is literally someone who works with tinware, which includes things made of tin and other metals with similar properties and softness such as pewter. In particular, it is a contrast to a blacksmith, who works hard metals like iron and steel with the help of a forge. Someone who has a shop location to perform work on such items is a tinsmith, while one who moves from place to place looking for work is a tinker.
I'm not sure why they cuss so much, though.
While this sounds nice, a bit of research reveals that this is most likely a folk etymology, and not actually true. I don't claim to know for sure myself, but I'll hand over to a couple of well-researched etymological web sites that both agree on the point that the above explanation is incorrect, and in fact almost exactly backwards:
What I'd like to see are the following:
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