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1 SFX: Fwackoom!
2 Ardaxar: A fireball? Seriously?
3 Kyros: Hey, it was worth a shot.
4 Ardaxar: What part of "huge, ancient, red dragon" don't you understand?
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Red dragons, as every Dungeons & Dragons player knows, are the sort that breathe fire, and therefore have immunities to fire-based attacks. Those immunities differ with edition of the game:
But wait, there's more! Not satisfied with two different types of dragons, there are dragons of three other colours too:
[Aside: If you know Dungeons & Dragons at all, then you know all this already, as second nature. If you don't, then I should add this I Am Not Making This Up disclaimer.]
But wait, there's more! These are just the evil dragons! There are also good dragons! To distinguish them from their primary coloured brethren, the good dragons are metallic, and each one has a choice of two different breath weapons:
But wait, there's more! Around the same time, people realised that the rich dragon mythology of China wasn't represented, so a new class of "oriental" dragons appeared. River dragons! Earth dragons! Sea dragons! Spirit dragons!
But wait, there's more! And at this point I shall simply point interested readers here, to save myself from typing another 3000 words.
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