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1 {photo of a vineyard, in black and white}
1 Caption: Old Time Images
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![]() Archibald Fountain, Hyde Park, Sydney. |
So he made a proposal to everyone reading the group. He would send anyone who asked a dozen rolls of this film, with the only condition being that you shoot it and share the results in a new Flickr group he would create. He would even pay for the postage. I didn't have a film camera any more, but I knew that I could get one easily enough, even buying a cheap one if I had to.
I got my dozen rolls of film. Most of it was Efke, a strange brand I'd never heard if, manufactured in Yugoslavia (as it was called then) in 1972 or so. There were also a few rolls of Kodak Tri-X Pan. I asked around at work if anyone had an old film camera that I could borrow on an extended loan while I shot the film. That turned up a Canon EOS 10QD, a fairly nice camera for its just-before-digital vintage. And it fit all of my lenses.
So I shot a bunch of photos with a new freedom that comes with not worrying too much about the cost of the film - I did have to pay for processing but I was older and more financially secure than the last time I shot film. I took several rolls, but a dozen is a lot, and the Flickr project sort of petered out. But I recently shot a few more rolls, and it's a lot of fun, taking photos and not being able to see instantly what they look like. I keep looking on the back of the camera after taking a shot, only to remember it's film, and I can't do that.
If you haven't shot film - and black and white film in particular - for a long time, or if you never have, maybe give it a try.
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