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1 Lambert: So Kyros, with all your new magical powers, don't you have a way to get us to Rivendeep more quickly?
2 Kyros: I'm merely a humble master of the elements.
3 Draak: Draak think those things like lead, gold, tin, zinc…
4 Kyros: It's lucky you primitive lizardfolk aren't in charge of science and technology on this world.
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I hardly think I need to explain this.
In your typical meticulously historically accurate pseudo-medieval fantasy setting, the metal zinc would actually be unknown. Metallic zinc was not isolated in Europe until the 17th or 18th century, although apparently metalworkers in India had isolated it as early as 1300. And it appeared in various alloys much earlier than that, though the metalworkers didn't have a full understanding of the elemental nature of the various metals or how they were mixed.
Given this long history, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the lizardfolk have advanced their metallurgy skills to the point where they can extract and use relatively pure zinc. The main uses of zinc relate to its electrical and resultant anti-corrosive properties, so this hints that the lizardfolk may have some knowledge about the mysterious secrets of electricity too.
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