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1 Student: Helloooo ladies. Can I get you a drink?
2 Terry: This is Jane Goodall, a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Are you seriously trying to chat her up?
3 Jane Goodall: Oh, let him.
4 Jane Goodall: I haven't been this amused since one of my chimps tried to chat up Brian Blessed.
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When you see Brian Blessed, he looks like a jolly Santa Claus-esque figure, rotund and obviously fond of good food and drink. What's not obvious is that despite this he seems to be ridiculously fit.
He's climbed both Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania and Mount Aconcagua in Argentina, the highest mountains in Africa and South America respectively. He's attempted to climb Mount Everest three times, reaching 8600 metres, just 200 metres below the summit - without oxygen. He has walked to the North Magnetic Pole in the Canadian high Arctic on foot, becoming the oldest man to do so. He's done 800 hours of rigorous space travel training at a cosmonaut facility in Russia. He works with animal welfare and has had both a lion and a panther roaming around his house at various times. And he's survived a plane crash in the jungles of Venezuela.
He almost out-Steves Steve.
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