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<   No. 456   2004-04-26   >

Comic #456

1 Jane Goodall: {alone in the jungle with the chimps} Well, that worked, Cthulhu left me alone.
2 Jane Goodall: That was a great idea of mine.
3 Jane Goodall: But there's one thing that worries me, now that I've sent Cthulhu to Steve's home for a direct confrontation...
4 Jane Goodall: What if Steve wins?

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2013-04-13 Rerun commentary: Yes, the chimp on the ground is also reacting to Jane's statement in the last panel. They're smarter than you think, chimps. (Even if these ones have tails. And are brown, rather than black.)

It's really cool that LEGO monkeys have gripping hands on their feet as well. That's the sort of detail that makes me really happy.

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Last Modified: Saturday, 13 April 2013; 03:11:02 PST.
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