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Irregular Podcast! #152007-12-15: Irregular Podcast! #15 - "The Eclectic Podcast Orchestra" (8:35, 1.96 MB) TranscriptWARNING: Bleeding from the ears may cause slippery shoulders.
[Tune: Where the Streets Have No Name, by U2]
I wanna hear, singing with some grace. Warren: It all started when David, Andrew, David, Andrew, and Richard got together after school back in Liverpool and started messing around with vocal harmonies. Michael: A friend of ours, Vladimir, heard what we were doing and suggested we record a track for a podcast he was working on. David: Our first attempts were pretty amateurish, but the strange thing was the audience loved them. Oliver: To this day we're still not sure why.
[Tune: All My Loving, by The Beatles] Andrew: We really did the hard yards in the beginning. We played smoky nightclubs for a few shillings a gig. Warren: Then Ingrid suggested we go to Hamburg, where the German club scene was really happening. Michael: We needed a name for our band. Someone, I forget who, came up with the Eclectic Podcast Orchestra. David: We decided to use that until we thought of something better. But we never did.
[Tune: Livin' Thing, by ELO]
It's a singin' thing, Oliver: We had our first major breakthrough when we found Oscar, who became our musical director. Oscar: What?! Andrew: He really refined our sound for us. Looking back, it's hard to see how we got as far as we did without his unique audio talents.
[Tune: Stayin' Alive, by the Bee Gees]
Don't show no defiance, 'cause we're doin' it for science, Warren: We got into a bit of trouble on our first tour of America. Michael: Norbert made a comment about us being "bigger than Jesus" and the media blew it all out of proportion. Norbert: All I meant was that we'd been eating a lot of junk food lately and were putting on weight. Jesus was a pretty scrawny guy, you know. Oliver: But it didn't stop us scoring our first US number one.
[Tune: Hound Dog, by Elvis Presley] Andrew: Success meant money. We didn't know what to do with it. We started getting into heavy drugs. Warren: Often we'd perform completely stoned. We had no idea what we were doing. Thankfully, it made no difference. Michael: And then at a concert in Toronto there was the infamous "Free Bird" incident. David: We wanted to go one better than Alice Cooper, so we got some cassowaries backstage, intending to bite the heads off. Oliver: Some lout in the crowd yelled out "Free Bird!" and security opened the cages before we were ready. Andrew: The birds got into the crowd and, well... there were several disembowellings.
[Tune: I Was Made For Lovin' You Baby, by Kiss]
We were made for singin' this podcast Warren: Our rivalry with the other biggest band in the world - Spit - reached phenomenal levels. Michael: They started scheduling concerts at the same time as us in the same cities. David: Then there was the challenge about who could sing the highest. Oliver: The pressure got to be too much. We decided it was time to break up over our creative differences. Andrew: But before we did, we had one last live performance. In the highest place we could think of. On the roof of the Tower of London.
[Tune: Get Back, by The Beatles]
Get back, get back. Warren: It's just a shame nobody could hear us up there. Michael: Our fans went nuts. They couldn't handle the thought of a world without the Eclectic Podcast Orchestra. David: Within two weeks of breaking up, we were back together for our reunion world tour. Oliver: We reinvented our sound. Synth-pop was all the rage, but Oscar insisted we maintain our professional integrity. Andrew: Then EMI offered us a $16 million contract, for one podcast. Warren: So we totally sold out.
[Tune: Wannabe, by The Spice Girls]
If you wanna hear my podcast, you've gotta use RSS, Michael: From there things just went crazy. We were touring constantly and appearing on three TV shows a day. David: We got a call from Weird Al Yankovic, who wanted to parody one of our songs for his latest album. Oliver: We were all in favour, but Weird Al discovered he couldn't convert our songs into anything that sounded funny. Andrew: We sang at the opening of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.
[Tune: Livin' La Vida Loca, by Ricky Martin]
We'll make you rip your hair out
Turn it inside out Michael: I'd like to say thank you on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we've passed the audition Oscar: What?! CastWarren - David MM.Michael - David Mc. David - Andrew S. Oliver - Steven I. Andrew - David K. Oscar - David Mc. Norbert - Andrew S. The Eclectic Podcast Orchestra: David MM, David Mc, David K, Andrew S, Steven I. Programme NotesI wanted to get a new podcast out the door before the end of the year, so we put together something that would be an easy edit. This is pretty much exactly as recorded, with only a few pauses and audio pops edited out. All the songs were done in a single take. I think we only did a second take on one line of dialogue where the speaker stumbled over a word. |