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Poll Results

All Previous Polls: 601-650

Poll 601: Which would you most like a voyage on?

Total votes: 1658

The Doctor's TARDIS: 669 (40.3%)
USS Enterprise: 304 (18.3%)
Firefly class transport Serenity: 192 (11.6%)  
SS Heart of Gold: 181 (10.9%)
The Millennium Falcon: 128 (7.7%)
Super Star Destroyer Executor: 81 (4.9%)
Leviathan transport Moya: 31 (1.9%)
Thunderbird 2: 29 (1.7%)
USS Planet Express Ship: 28 (1.7%)
Battlestar Galactica: 10 (0.6%)
USCSS Nostromo: 5 (0.3%)

Poll 602: May I offer you a hot beverage?

Total votes: 1545

Hot chocolate: 501 (32.4%)
Tea: 390 (25.2%)
Coffee: 250 (16.2%)
No, thanks: 152 (9.8%)
Mulled wine or cider: 135 (8.7%)  
A mug of soup: 55 (3.6%)
Tisane/herbal tea: 32 (2.1%)
Warm milk: 18 (1.2%)
Mate: 12 (0.8%)

Poll 603: What type of musical instrument/s do you play?

Total votes: 1517

None: 672 (44.3%)
Two of the above categories: 210 (13.8%)
Keyboard (piano, synth, harpsichord, etc.): 170 (11.2%)  
Plucked string (guitar, harp, ukelele, etc.): 94 (6.2%)
Brass: 91 (6.0%)
Reed (clarinet, oboe, sax, harmonica, etc.): 62 (4.1%)
Three of the above categories: 60 (4.0%)
Bowed string (violin, cello, etc.): 52 (3.4%)
Percussion: 39 (2.6%)
Non-reed woodwind (flute, recorder, etc.): 38 (2.5%)
Four or more of the above categories: 29 (1.9%)

Poll 604: Do you use wikis?

Total votes: 1773

I read Wikipedia and some other public wikis, but never edit: 841 (47.4%)  
I've edited Wikipedia and other public wikis: 246 (13.9%)
I have edited Wikipedia occasionally: 174 (9.8%)
I have edited some other public wiki/s occasionally: 136 (7.7%)
I read Wikipedia, but have never edited: 94 (5.3%)
I edit private wikis at work, but don't edit public ones: 77 (4.3%)
I edit private and public wikis: 74 (4.2%)
I host a wiki (public or private): 71 (4.0%)
I regularly edit several public wikis: 28 (1.6%)
I avoid Wikipedia, but read other public wikis, never edit: 18 (1.0%)
I'm a regular Wikipedia editor: 9 (0.5%)
I've never even read a wiki as far as I know: 5 (0.3%)

Poll 605: Which would you most want to ride in?

Total votes: 2295

The Batmobile: 801 (34.9%)
James Bond's Aston Martin DB5: 484 (21.1%)  
KITT: 332 (14.5%)
The Knight Bus: 213 (9.3%)
Rolls Royce FAB1: 134 (5.8%)
The Mystery Machine: 117 (5.1%)
Herbie the Love Bug: 94 (4.1%)
The General Lee: 58 (2.5%)
The Leslie Special: 22 (1.0%)
The Mean Machine 00: 21 (0.9%)
Speed Buggy: 19 (0.8%)

Poll 606: Since the start of this year, what's the longest walk you've taken?

Total votes: 1878

About an hour: 372 (19.8%)
Up to two hours: 311 (16.6%)
2 to 3 hours: 276 (14.7%)
Half an hour or so: 251 (13.4%)
3 to 4 hours: 139 (7.4%)
4 to 6 hours: 135 (7.2%)
6 to 8 hours: 121 (6.4%)
All day, over 8 hours: 103 (5.5%)  
Fifteen minutes or so: 82 (4.4%)
A multi-day hike: 44 (2.3%)
Five minutes or so: 27 (1.4%)
Out to the car: 17 (0.9%)

Poll 607: To the nearest given option, what direction does the head of your bed point?

Total votes: 1394

East: 284 (20.4%)
West: 268 (19.2%)
North: 266 (19.1%)
South: 256 (18.4%)
North-east: 93 (6.7%)  
North-west: 87 (6.2%)
South-east: 73 (5.2%)
South-west: 67 (4.8%)

That's.... very interesting. The north/east/south/west options appear similar enough to one another to be effectively random, and the NE/NW/SE/SW options also appear similar enough to one another to be effectively random, but at roughly a third of the frequency of the four cardinal directions.

This is too striking to be sheer randomness. It must mean something. Some possibilities:

1. There is a strong bias towards homes being built with the walls aligned close to the cardinal compass directions, thus leading to this bias in the directions of bed alignment.
2. Most people couldn't be bothered estimating to the nearest 45°, and simply estimated to the nearest cardinal point instead. So even if their bed was pointing almost north-east, they'd instead pick north.
3. We've uncovered some sort of eldritch geometry that is influencing all of us in our sleep...

Poll 608: First audio format you bought music on?

Total votes: 1559

Audio cassette: 560 (35.9%)
CD: 531 (34.1%)
Vinyl record: 341 (21.9%)
Digital download: 48 (3.1%)
Shellac record: 21 (1.3%)
Other: 17 (1.1%)
8-track: 13 (0.8%)
Digital audio tape: 12 (0.8%)  
Wax cylinder: 9 (0.6%)
Reel-to-reel tape: 5 (0.3%)
MiniDisc: 2 (0.1%)

Poll 609: If you came back from the future to advise you to bet your entire savings and assets on an incredibly risky wager, would you follow your future self's advice?

Total votes: 1379

I'd bet as much as I could afford to lose: 515 (37.3%)  
Yes, completely: 432 (31.3%)
Mostly, but I'd keep a little back: 271 (19.7%)
No, I wouldn't do it at all: 92 (6.7%)
I'd bet a little bit: 69 (5.0%)

Poll 610: If you're eating a sandwich and some breadcrumbs fall into your glass of water, would you drink the water?

Total votes: 1797

Sure! Why on earth not?: 1350 (75.1%)
Only if I could fish the crumbs out first: 293 (16.3%)  
No way! It's CONTAMINATED! Ewwww!: 154 (8.6%)

Poll 611: US Presidential election time! Vote!

Total votes: 1755

The Allosaurus: 1129 (64.3%)  
Barack Obama: 502 (28.6%)
Mitt Romney: 124 (7.1%)

And the Allosaurus is returned for another term in yet another landslide!

Four million more years!!

Poll 612: How many phone numbers do you have memorised (other than an emergency number)?

Total votes: 1690

None, that's what my address book is for: 98 (5.8%)  
One, my own: 146 (8.6%)
One, a partner/family member: 40 (2.4%)
One, other: 10 (0.6%)
Two, mine and my work: 31 (1.8%)
Two, mine and a partner/family member: 229 (13.6%)
Two, my work and a partner/family member: 14 (0.8%)
Three: 255 (15.1%)
Four: 186 (11.0%)
Five or six: 315 (18.6%)
Seven to ten: 218 (12.9%)
Eleven to fifteen: 69 (4.1%)
Sixteen to twenty: 12 (0.7%)
21 or more: 67 (4.0%)

Poll 613: What hand do you use to eat finger food?

Total votes: 2196

Right (and I'm right handed): 1181 (53.8%)
Both hands about equally (I'm right handed): 593 (27.0%)  
Left (but I'm right handed): 149 (6.8%)
Left (and I'm left handed): 148 (6.7%)
Both hands about equally (I'm left handed): 80 (3.6%)
I never eat food with my fingers: 23 (1.0%)
Right (but I'm left handed): 22 (1.0%)

Poll 614: Do you add salt and/or pepper to your food at the table?

Total votes: 1615

Sometimes salt, sometimes pepper: 587 (36.3%)  
Never (or very, very rarely): 452 (28.0%)
Sometimes salt, never pepper: 264 (16.3%)
Sometimes pepper, never salt: 153 (9.5%)
Always salt, sometimes pepper: 49 (3.0%)
Always pepper, sometimes salt: 45 (2.8%)
Always salt, never pepper: 26 (1.6%)
Always pepper, never salt: 21 (1.3%)
Always salt and pepper: 18 (1.1%)

Poll 615: What is your primary home operating system?

Total votes: 2969

Windows 7: 1427 (48.1%)
MacOS X: 334 (11.2%)
Debian-based Linux: 323 (10.9%)  
WIndows XP: 309 (10.4%)
Windows 8: 163 (5.5%)
Windows Vista: 151 (5.1%)
Other Linux: 91 (3.1%)
Fedora-based Linux: 78 (2.6%)
Other Unix: 35 (1.2%)
Android: 25 (0.8%)
iOS: 11 (0.4%)
Other Windows: 9 (0.3%)
Other: 8 (0.3%)
VMS: 3 (0.1%)
Other Apple: 2 (0.1%)

Poll 616: Star Wars Episode VII?!

Total votes: 2715

I'm cautiously optimistic: 983 (36.2%)  
I reserve judgement: 863 (31.8%)
I'm afraid: 283 (10.4%)
Yeah!!!: 267 (9.8%)
Leave it alone already!: 182 (6.7%)
What?: 137 (5.0%)

Poll 617: Mango chutney is to Google Glass as Marylebone tube station is to ...?

Total votes: 1268

The Allosaurus: 465 (36.7%)
A banana daiquiri: 191 (15.1%)
The Great Gatsby: 135 (10.6%)
The Bridge of Sighs: 106 (8.4%)
Dreaming about falling: 93 (7.3%)
Four score and seven years ago: 74 (5.8%)  
Kopi luwak: 70 (5.5%)
Fire: 68 (5.4%)
Alfred Hitchcock: 66 (5.2%)

And the Allosaurus wins by a landslide again!

Poll 618: When was the last time you went to a wedding?

Total votes: 1755

Within the past year: 275 (15.7%)  
1-2 years: 264 (15.0%)
3-5 years: 217 (12.4%)
2-3 years: 175 (10.0%)
5-7 years: 125 (7.1%)
Never been to one: 122 (7.0%)
7-10 years: 111 (6.3%)
10-15 years: 95 (5.4%)
Within 6 months: 84 (4.8%)
Within 3 months: 74 (4.2%)
More than 20 years: 72 (4.1%)
15-20 years: 54 (3.1%)
Within the past week: 46 (2.6%)
Within the past month: 41 (2.3%)

Poll 619: Do you do laundry?

Total votes: 1353

I do all my own laundry (at home or at a laundromat): 594 (43.9%)
I share laundry duties with others in the household: 340 (25.1%)
Someone in my household does all my laundry: 273 (20.2%)
I do my laundry plus that for other people in the household: 117 (8.6%)  
I take my laundry out for a friend or family member to do: 24 (1.8%)
I pay a professional cleaner to do all my laundry: 5 (0.4%)
I am a professional cleaner, laundry is one of my duties: 1 (0.1%)
I am a professional launderer, laundry is my entire job: 0 (0.0%) 

Myself, I am in the fortunate position of having a wife who does all my laundry. We worked it out as a trade. She doesn't mind laundry, while I hate it. So I ended up with the vacuum cleaning, which I don't mind, but she hates. Dishwashing we split about 50/50.

Poll 620: Will every response to this poll be "No"?

Total votes: 2983

No: 2305 (77.3%)  
Yes: 678 (22.7%)

Poll 621: Which would you rather give up for the rest of your life?

Total votes: 1086

Cakes: 584 (53.8%)
Ice cream: 366 (33.7%)
Chocolate: 136 (12.5%)  

Poll 622: When was the last time you made something you would call art?

Total votes: 951

Today!: 94 (9.9%)
1-2 days ago: 128 (13.5%)
2 days to a week ago: 138 (14.5%)
1-2 weeks ago: 45 (4.7%)
2 weeks to 1 month ago: 59 (6.2%)
1-3 months ago: 75 (7.9%)
3-6 months ago: 35 (3.7%)
6-12 months ago: 32 (3.4%)
1-2 years ago: 52 (5.5%)
2-5 years ago: 59 (6.2%)
5-10 years ago: 46 (4.8%)
10-20 years ago: 37 (3.9%)
More than 20 years ago: 35 (3.7%)  
Never: 116 (12.2%)

Poll 623: How do you characterise where you live?

Total votes: 955

A big city: 178 (18.6%)
A mid-sized city: 222 (23.2%)
A small city: 220 (23.0%)
A large town: 106 (11.1%)
A mid-sized town: 83 (8.7%)
A small town: 76 (8.0%)
A village or hamlet: 45 (4.7%)
An isolated rural area: 25 (2.6%)  

Poll 624: If the following were alive today and unable to make a living composing concertos, operas, symphonies, etc., which one would be making the best career out of composing film music?

Total votes: 1269

Richard Wagner: 415 (32.7%)
Ludwig van Beethoven: 170 (13.4%)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 166 (13.1%)
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: 150 (11.8%)  
Edvard Grieg: 64 (5.0%)
Johann Sebastian Bach: 56 (4.4%)
Antonin Dvorak: 50 (3.9%)
Giuseppe Verdi: 28 (2.2%)
Antonio Vivaldi: 25 (2.0%)
Sergei Rachmaninov: 23 (1.8%)
Gustav Mahler: 22 (1.7%)
George Frederick Handel: 20 (1.6%)
Claude Debussy: 18 (1.4%)
Frederic Chopin: 16 (1.3%)
Franz Liszt: 16 (1.3%)
Johannes Brahms: 13 (1.0%)
Felix Mendelssohn: 9 (0.7%)
Franz Joseph Haydn: 8 (0.6%)

Poll 625: Which Doctor did you grow up with?

Total votes: 716

William Hartnell: 8 (1.1%)
Patrick Troughton: 10 (1.4%)
Jon Pertwee: 39 (5.4%)
Tom Baker: 254 (35.5%)
Peter Davison: 37 (5.2%)
Colin Baker: 10 (1.4%)
Sylvester McCoy: 32 (4.5%)
Paul McGann: 31 (4.3%)
Christopher Eccleston: 123 (17.2%)  
David Tennant: 138 (19.3%)
Matt Smith: 34 (4.7%)

Poll 626: What's worse at 3 in the morning?

Total votes: 1119

Smoke alarm: 359 (32.1%)
30°C (86°F): 195 (17.4%)
Mosquito: 145 (13.0%)
Neighbour playing loud music: 108 (9.7%)
Car alarm: 93 (8.3%)
Drunk argument in street outside: 85 (7.6%)
Phone call from Uzbekistan: 59 (5.3%)
Dripping tap... drip... drip... drip...: 29 (2.6%)
Dog barking: 27 (2.4%)
Thunder and lightning very nearby: 19 (1.7%)  

Poll 627: What is the most recent era of music which you consider to be "oldies"?

Total votes: 1654

1940s: 100 (6.0%)
1950s: 218 (13.2%)  
1960s: 349 (21.1%)
1970s: 429 (25.9%)
1980s: 407 (24.6%)
1990s: 122 (7.4%)
2000s: 29 (1.8%)

Poll 628: Favourite polyhedral die?

Total votes: 1016

d4: 45 (4.4%)
d6: 168 (16.5%)
d8: 72 (7.1%)
d10: 119 (11.7%)
d12: 268 (26.4%)
d20: 344 (33.9%)  

Poll 629: What's the most common thing on your walls?

Total votes: 1502

Nothing: 442 (29.4%)
A rich mix, no one thing dominating: 273 (18.2%)
Unframed posters: 226 (15.0%)
Original paintings/drawings: 193 (12.8%)
Framed reproduction paintings/drawings: 167 (11.1%)
Photos that I took myself: 61 (4.1%)
Photos taken by a professional photographer: 47 (3.1%)
Photos taken by an amateur photographer: 26 (1.7%)
Newspaper clippings of serial murder victims: 26 (1.7%)  
Fabric art: tapestries, embroideries, etc: 25 (1.7%)
Plaques or art tiles: 9 (0.6%)
Murals painted directly on the walls: 5 (0.3%)
Plants: 2 (0.1%)

Poll 630: Most annoying computer-related thing?

Total votes: 1791

Notifications that steal keyboard focus, so you end up typing in them: 419 (23.4%)  
Single articles split over 5 web pages: 309 (17.3%)
Needing to register for every second website: 300 (16.8%)
Pop-up windows in websites: 245 (13.7%)
Unreadable CAPTCHAs: 118 (6.6%)
People asking questions they could just Google: 111 (6.2%)
Comment threads on news items: 88 (4.9%)
People pointing at things on your screen and leaving fingerprints: 86 (4.8%)
People complaining about pirating: 35 (2.0%)
People saying "forward slash": 30 (1.7%)
The cAPS-LOCK KEY: 30 (1.7%)
Pirating: 20 (1.1%)

Poll 631: Given two identical LEGO pieces stuck directly atop one another, which are the hardest to separate?

Total votes: 1311

1×2 plates: 658 (50.2%)  
1×3 plates: 23 (1.8%)
1×4 plates: 44 (3.4%)
2×2 plates: 207 (15.8%)
2×3 plates: 26 (2.0%)
2×4 plates: 50 (3.8%)
4×4 plates: 179 (13.7%)
Other: 124 (9.5%)

I have to go with the 2×2 plates myself. The 1×2s I can get enough of a bending motion on to split them apart along one of the long edges, then I can insert something sharp into the crack and prise them apart. The 2×2s offer no such simple leverage.

Poll 632: You are answering this poll on a:

Total votes: 1806

Desktop computer: 819 (45.3%)
Laptop computer: 671 (37.2%)
Speak & Spell wired to foil-covered umbrella: 71 (3.9%)  
Analytical Engine: 69 (3.8%)
Tablet computing device: 60 (3.3%)
Smart phone: 45 (2.5%)
Terminal connected to a server/mainframe: 33 (1.8%)
Neural interface: 24 (1.3%)
Netbook computer: 14 (0.8%)

Poll 633: Which Dungeons & Dragons monster would be coolest if it really existed (and you could potentially see one)?

Total votes: 1501

Owlbear: 340 (22.7%)
Gelatinous cube: 233 (15.5%)  
Displacer beast: 214 (14.3%)
Beholder: 180 (12.0%)
Lich: 122 (8.1%)
Mimic: 109 (7.3%)
Gargoyle: 97 (6.5%)
Rust monster: 78 (5.2%)
Mind flayer: 62 (4.1%)
Umber hulk: 52 (3.5%)
Sahuagin: 14 (0.9%)

The Allosaurus got three votes, despite not even being an option in the form.

Poll 634: What colour is your current toothbrush (predominantly)?

Total votes: 1262

White: 427 (33.8%)
Blue: 306 (24.2%)
Green: 183 (14.5%)
Purple: 89 (7.1%)
Red: 67 (5.3%)
Pink: 44 (3.5%)
Orange: 41 (3.2%)
I don't have a toothbrush: 32 (2.5%)  
Some other colour: 31 (2.5%)
Yellow: 26 (2.1%)
Black: 13 (1.0%)
Brown: 3 (0.2%)

Poll 635: You've just met a very nice man who offers to sell you a bridge at a very reasonable price. Which bridge do you buy?

Total votes: 944

Tower Bridge, London: 275 (29.1%)
Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco: 164 (17.4%)  
Brooklyn Bridge, New York: 100 (10.6%)
Rialto Bridge, Venice: 70 (7.4%)
Akashi Kaikyō Bridge, Kobe: 68 (7.2%)
Bosphorus Bridge, Istanbul: 59 (6.2%)
Ponte Vecchio, Florence: 48 (5.1%)
Harbour Bridge, Sydney: 45 (4.8%)
Pont Neuf, Paris: 45 (4.8%)
Stari Most, Mostar: 28 (3.0%)
Millau Viaduct, Millau: 27 (2.9%)
Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Hangzhou: 15 (1.6%)

Poll 636: How heavy/light do you pack for travel (say for a few weeks)?

Total votes: 1142

Really light - one change of underwear, a toothbrush: 27 (2.4%)
Very light - a day pack is enough: 11 (1.0%)
Light - one carry-on size bag is plenty: 177 (15.5%)
Medium - a moderate sized suitcase of stuff: 481 (42.1%)
Heavy - a big suitcase and a carry-on bag of stuff: 387 (33.9%)
Very Heavy - enough to pay excess baggage fees: 45 (3.9%)
Really heavy - if it's not bolted down at home, I'm taking it: 14 (1.2%)  

Poll 637: Are you a nerd and/or a geek?

Total votes: 1725

Both and proud of it!: 975 (56.5%)
Geek and proud of it, not a nerd: 226 (13.1%)
Nerd and proud of it, not a geek: 218 (12.6%)
Neither, but I don't consider the terms pejorative: 132 (7.7%)  
Both, acknowledged grudgingly: 87 (5.0%)
Nerd, acknowledged grudgingly: 39 (2.3%)
Neither, thank goodness!: 28 (1.6%)
Geek, acknowledged grudgingly: 20 (1.2%)

Poll 638: Name a fruit beginning with P:

Total votes: 1113

Pineapple: 218 (19.6%)
Pomegranate: 188 (16.9%)
Pear: 175 (15.7%)
Pawpaw / Papaya: 131 (11.8%)  
Peach: 118 (10.6%)
Persimmon: 71 (6.4%)
Porange: 47 (4.2%)
Passionfruit: 46 (4.1%)
Plum: 43 (3.9%)
Panana: 38 (3.4%)
Papple: 30 (2.7%)
Pricot: 8 (0.7%)

Poll 639: How lucky are you?

Total votes: 749

Luck is merely a post-hoc interpretation of happenstance: 214 (28.6%)
Moderately lucky: 112 (15.0%)
About average: 90 (12.0%)
Exactly average - everyone is: 86 (11.5%)  
A bit unlucky: 72 (9.6%)
There's no such thing as luck: 57 (7.6%)
I make my own luck: 49 (6.5%)
Very lucky: 46 (6.1%)
Very unlucky: 23 (3.1%)

Poll 640: You're at work/school and need to remember to do something (that you might potentially forget) when you get home. Do you:

Total votes: 1041

Just try to remember it: 290 (27.9%)
Send yourself an email: 191 (18.3%)
Write a note on paper, stick it in a pocket/wallet: 119 (11.4%)
Use a note taking app on a phone/tablet: 111 (10.7%)
Use a reminder app with an alarm: 94 (9.0%)
Write a note on your hand: 70 (6.7%)
Use a calendar app to set an appointment reminder: 69 (6.6%)
Write a note in a diary/notebook: 34 (3.3%)
Tell someone to remind you: 32 (3.1%)
Use an app that syncs to home computer and pops up a reminder: 16 (1.5%)  
Use a string on your finger or similar memory aid: 11 (1.1%)
Phone home, leave a message on your answering machine: 4 (0.4%)

Poll 641: Do you ever eat on public transport?

Total votes: 921

Rarely, just small snacks (candy, crisps, piece of fruit): 226 (24.5%)  
No, I don't use public transport: 225 (24.4%)
Occasionally, just small snacks: 132 (14.3%)
No, I don't have a problem with it, I just don't: 95 (10.3%)
Occasionally, sometimes larger meals: 52 (5.6%)
No, it's illegal: 47 (5.1%)
No, it's socially unacceptable here: 39 (4.2%)
No, it's disgusting: 27 (2.9%)
Somewhat often, just small snacks: 23 (2.5%)
Rarely, but larger meals: 21 (2.3%)
Frequently, just small snacks: 16 (1.7%)
Somewhat often, sometimes larger meals: 10 (1.1%)
Frequently, sometimes larger meals: 8 (0.9%)

Poll 642: When do you usually shower/bathe?

Total votes: 861

First thing after getting out of bed: 246 (28.6%)
A bit later after getting out of bed, but before breakfast: 133 (15.4%)  
Straight after breakfast: 75 (8.7%)
Later after breakfast: 61 (7.1%)
Around the middle of the day: 17 (2.0%)
Mid-afternoon: 30 (3.5%)
Straight after getting home from work/school: 26 (3.0%)
Just before dinner: 12 (1.4%)
After dinner: 27 (3.1%)
Later in the evening: 121 (14.1%)
Last thing before bed: 113 (13.1%)

Poll 643: You need to invent a middle initial to distinguish yourself from someone else with the same name in a professional field. What do you choose?

Total votes: 973

Firstname J. Lastname: 269 (27.6%)  
Firstname Q. Lastname: 253 (26.0%)
Firstname V. Lastname: 201 (20.7%)
Firstname X. Lastname: 165 (17.0%)
Firstname Z. Lastname: 85 (8.7%)

Poll 644: Are there bats near you (say, within half an hour's travel)?

Total votes: 905

Yes, I see them regularly: 85 (9.4%)
Yes, I see them occasionally: 276 (30.5%)
Yes, I saw one once: 73 (8.1%)
Yes, never seen one, but I know they're around: 112 (12.4%)  
Probably, I think so: 158 (17.5%)
I really have no idea one way or the other: 85 (9.4%)
I... don't think so: 58 (6.4%)
I'm pretty sure not: 46 (5.1%)
No, definitely not, I know for certain: 12 (1.3%)

Poll 645: Do you ever use complex numbers?

Total votes: 1027

Regularly for my work: 53 (5.2%)
Regularly for my studies: 48 (4.7%)
Occasionally for work: 40 (3.9%)
Occasionally in my studies: 96 (9.3%)
I used to use them for work, but not recently: 47 (4.6%)
I studied them, but have never used them for work: 568 (55.3%)
I've never studied complex numbers: 48 (4.7%)
I don't have any idea what possible use complex numbers could be: 20 (1.9%)  
I have no idea what complex numbers are: 107 (10.4%)

For anyone who answered with one of the last two options, might I point you at comic #1960.

Poll 646: What do you think of song lyrics that have poor grammar just so they match the rhyme or meter?

Total votes: 1791

Song lyrics can use poetic licence, it's justified for artistic effect: 555 (31.0%)
Mildly annoying, but it's just a song, so it doesn't matter: 416 (23.2%)
Who cares? I mean, really, there are more serious things to worry about: 349 (19.5%)  
Really grating every time I hear that song: 300 (16.8%)
It's an affront to common decency!: 152 (8.5%)
I like the sense of rebellion it represents: 19 (1.1%)

Poll 647: What's the biggest body of water you've swum in?

Total votes: 1130

A bathtub: 1 (0.1%)
A wading pool: 6 (0.5%)
A backyard pool: 6 (0.5%)
A lap pool: 6 (0.5%)
A mid-size swimming pool (< Olympic size): 40 (3.5%)  
An Olympic size swimming pool: 12 (1.1%)
An even bigger swimming pool: 1 (0.1%)
A pond: 3 (0.3%)
A river: 7 (0.6%)
A lake: 84 (7.4%)
The Mediterranean Sea: 82 (7.3%)
The Indian Ocean: 9 (0.8%)
The Atlantic Ocean: 408 (36.1%)
The Pacific Ocean: 447 (39.6%)
I've never swum anywhere: 18 (1.6%)

Poll 648: How many languages have you spoken at least a few words of to someone in an attempt to communicate? (using a phrasebook counts)

Total votes: 1052

Just 1: 94 (8.9%)  
2: 156 (14.8%)
3: 240 (22.8%)
4: 176 (16.7%)
5: 162 (15.4%)
6: 65 (6.2%)
7: 47 (4.5%)
8-9: 59 (5.6%)
10-11: 33 (3.1%)
12-13: 10 (1.0%)
14-16: 7 (0.7%)
17-20: 1 (0.1%)
over 20: 2 (0.2%)

Poll 649: Best non-Asian rice dish?

Total votes: 1008

Risotto: 213 (21.1%)
Rice Krispies Treats: 153 (15.2%)
Rice pudding: 133 (13.2%)
Paella: 116 (11.5%)
Nestlé Crunch: 83 (8.2%)
Spanish/Mexican rice: 83 (8.2%)
Red beans and rice: 63 (6.2%)
Arroz con pollo: 44 (4.4%)
Chocolate crackles: 37 (3.7%)
Chimichanga: 34 (3.4%)
Rice Bubbles/Rice Krispies: 28 (2.8%)  
Arancini: 12 (1.2%)
Rice salad: 7 (0.7%)
Loco moco: 2 (0.2%)

Poll 650: What is the smell of Christmas?

Total votes: 1118

Pine needles: 386 (34.5%)
Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg: 201 (18.0%)
Same as the rest of the year: 163 (14.6%)  
Gingerbread: 78 (7.0%)
Peppermint: 51 (4.6%)
Fresh snow: 48 (4.3%)
Roast turkey: 47 (4.2%)
Wood fire and woodsmoke: 38 (3.4%)
Barbecue: 23 (2.1%)
New toys/gadgets: 22 (2.0%)
Fresh seafood: 20 (1.8%)
Eggnog: 16 (1.4%)
Alcohol: 11 (1.0%)
Plum pudding: 11 (1.0%)
Chestnuts: 3 (0.3%)

Interesting. Where I live there are very few pine trees, and I don't associate that smell with Christmas at all.

My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
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