Kyros: 283 (15.9%) |  |
Steve: 265 (14.9%) |  |
Hitler's Brain: 243 (13.6%) |  |
Nigerian Finance Minister: 118 (6.6%) |  |
Cthulhu: 117 (6.6%) |  |
Will Shakespeare: 100 (5.6%) |  |
Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs: 70 (3.9%) |  |
Jane Goodall: 68 (3.8%) |  |
The Allosaurus: 61 (3.4%) |  |
Dr Ginny Smith: 54 (3.0%) |  |
Colonel Haken: 42 (2.4%) |  |
The Man in Black: 41 (2.3%) |  |
Head Death: 40 (2.2%) |  |
Mordekai: 39 (2.2%) |  |
Aqualich: 30 (1.7%) |  |
Lambert: 27 (1.5%) |  |
Draak: 26 (1.5%) |  |
Serron: 23 (1.3%) |  |
Erwin: 21 (1.2%) |  |
The Martians: 19 (1.1%) |  |
Ophelia: 19 (1.1%) |  |
Alvissa: 17 (1.0%) |  |
Mercutio: 15 (0.8%) |  |
Long Tom Short: 13 (0.7%) |  |
Iki Piki: 9 (0.5%) |  |
Monty Jones: 8 (0.4%) |  |
Spanners: 7 (0.4%) |  |
Minnesota Jones: 3 (0.2%) |  |
Prof. North Dakota Jones: 3 (0.2%) |  |