Not geeky enough. Wait until 128.: 479 (27.0%) |  |
Death of Insanely Overpowered Fireballs: 285 (16.1%) |  |
You didn't include the answer I wanted: 224 (12.6%) |  |
Banana: 157 (8.9%) |  |
Paul is dead: 118 (6.7%) |  |
Uh... where's the question?: 81 (4.6%) |  |
Is this one of those logic puzzles?: 78 (4.4%) |  |
Good lord, is it that many already?: 73 (4.1%) |  |
Woohoo! I'm so excited!: 66 (3.7%) |  |
Oooo-kaaayyy...: 64 (3.6%) |  |
Yeah, so?: 60 (3.4%) |  |
It's the first answer!: 28 (1.6%) |  |
It's the fifth answer!: 27 (1.5%) |  |
Answer 15: 19 (1.1%) |  |
It's the ninth answer!: 12 (0.7%) |  |