More planets! Whee!: 373 (16.6%) |  |
Pluto should have been demoted to a Kuiper Belt Object ages ago: 347 (15.4%) |  |
A sensible and well-thought-out proposal: 321 (14.2%) |  |
Who the hell cares? I mean seriously...: 307 (13.6%) |  |
In my day there were 9 planets and that's good enough for me: 189 (8.4%) |  |
I don't care as long as we get to keep the name Xena!: 172 (7.6%) |  |
What the? Ceres for crying out loud?: 140 (6.2%) |  |
Pluto has to be a planet, so I guess we have to accept the others: 106 (4.7%) |  |
The proposal is stupid, they're opening the floodgates: 104 (4.6%) |  |
What the? Pluto and Charon a double planet?: 93 (4.1%) |  |
All I want to know is how will it affect my horoscope?: 64 (2.8%) |  |
Who do these IAU boffins think they are anyway?: 37 (1.6%) |  |