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Poll Results

Poll 283: Pick the largest number:

Total votes: 2285

OptionVotesThe number
A. The number of votes for F: 75 (3.3%)A = 208
B. The number of votes for A plus the number for C:   192 (8.4%)B = 75+91 = 166
C. The number of votes for J minus A: 91 (4.0%)C = 920-75 = 845
D. The number of votes H + A - B: 77 (3.4%)D = 226+75-192 = 109
E. The number of votes C*C/(D + F): 154 (6.7%)E = 91*91/(77+208) = 29.06
F. (Total number of votes)/10 + G: 208 (9.1%)F = 2285/10+229 = 457.50
G. G - (number of uncounted ballot stuffs): 229 (10.0%)   G = 229-784 = -555
H. ((<choose> votes)*F + A)/J: 226 (9.9%)H = (135*208+75)/920 = 30.60
I. sqrt(G*J) + E/7: 113 (4.9%)I = sqrt(229*920)+154/7 = 481.00  
J. 317: 920 (40.3%)J = 317
<choose>: 135 (5.9%)
Ballot stuffs: 784 (34.3%)

The largest number turned out to be option C, with 845. Congratulations to those 91 people who voted for it!

This poll seems to have caused a considerable amount of confusion. Several people wondered what, exactly, some of the later options meant, pointing out that G might be undefined, since it seemed to say that:

(the value of G) = (the value of G) - (number of ballot stuffs)
That was never my intention. Everywhere I wrote a letter (after the initial letter that defined what the option was called) I meant that the value of the letter was equal to the number of votes for the indicated option. So:
(the value of G) = (the number of votes for G) - (number of ballot stuffs)
and similarly:
(the value of D) = (the number of votes for H) + (the number of votes for A) - (the number of votes for B)
(the value of I) = square root of[(the number of votes for G) * (the number of votes for J)] + (the number of votes for E)/7
I didn't write them all out in full like that because the options would have ended up way too long.

I suspect that J received the most votes for one or both of the following reasons:

  1. People couldn't have been bothered thinking about what the largest number might really turn out to be, so picked the simplest option.
  2. People interpreted "largest number" far too literally and picked the only option that was actually written as a number rather than a formula. I'm actively disappointed in anyone who did that. I prefer you to think lateral, not literal!
This will teach me to try to be too clever writing questions. What am I talking about? No it won't! It's not a real poll unless half the voters misinterpret the question!

My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
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