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Poll Results

Poll 292: The situation: Aliens have appeared and say they have approached ten planets, each of roughly the same population of sentient beings as Earth, with a demand to make as many origami cranes as possible, in perpetuity. The planet that bids the highest number of paper cranes per day, and can deliver on that promise beginning in one month and for at least 10 years, will be spared; the other planets will be destroyed. You are on the committee to decide how many origami cranes Earth should bid. What is your recommendation closest to?

Total votes: 3582

A billion (10^9) per day. (1 per 6 people per day): 438 (12.2%)
10 billion (10^10) per day. (2 per person per day): 633 (17.7%)
100 billion (10^11) per day. (15 per person per day): 1092 (30.5%)
A trillion (10^12) per day. (150 per person per day): 870 (24.3%)
10 trillion (10^13) per day. (1,500 per person per day): 269 (7.5%)
100 trillion (10^14) per day. (15,000 per person per day): 71 (2.0%)
A quadrillion (10^15) per day. (150,000 per person per day): 26 (0.7%)
10 quadrillion (10^16) per day. (1,500,000 per person per day): 183 (5.1%)  

My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
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