The Allosaurus: 767 (25.3%) |  |
Ones that make me think a little bit: 654 (21.5%) |  |
Ones clearly designed as fiendish logic puzzles: 262 (8.6%) |  |
Ones that raise ethical or moral questions: 224 (7.4%) |  |
Completely random ones: 219 (7.2%) |  |
Ones where I simply pick the answer that applies to me: 178 (5.9%) |  |
Nonsense ones which are obviously just a joke: 172 (5.7%) |  |
Ones that require serious analytical thought: 149 (4.9%) |  |
Ones that are self-contradictory: 127 (4.2%) |  |
Ones that ask me what I prefer: 110 (3.6%) |  |
Ones where the answer I want to give isn't an option: 92 (3.0%) |  |
Ones that are ambiguous: 41 (1.4%) |  |
Ones that have two or more of the same answer: 34 (1.1%) |  |
Ones that have two or more of the same answer: 7 (0.2%) |  |