2 to 7 days ago: 821 (24.3%) |  |
2 to 4 weeks ago: 701 (20.8%) |  |
1 to 3 months ago: 511 (15.1%) |  |
Yesterday: 493 (14.6%) |  |
Today!: 288 (8.5%) |  |
4 to 6 months ago: 189 (5.6%) |  |
6 to 12 months ago: 149 (4.4%) |  |
1 to 3 years ago: 128 (3.8%) |  |
Over 3 years ago, but after I got my drivers' licence: 61 (1.8%) |  |
Not since I got my drivers' licence, over 3 years ago: 13 (0.4%) |  |
Over 3 years ago, but I don't have a drivers' licence: 13 (0.4%) |  |
I've never ridden in the back seat of a car: 9 (0.3%) |  |