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Poll Results

Poll 380: Have you ever contributed materially to a webcomic artist?

Total votes: 3112

A - I've bought one or more webcomic book collections: 456 (14.7%)  
B - I've bought other webcomic merchandise: 253 (8.1%)
C - I've donated money to a webcomic artist: 111 (3.6%)
D - I've donated goods/services to a webcomic artist: 28 (0.9%)
A and B: 320 (10.3%)
A and C: 103 (3.3%)
A and D: 18 (0.6%)
B and C: 55 (1.8%)
B and D: 5 (0.2%)
C and D: 10 (0.3%)
A, B, and C: 181 (5.8%)
A, B, and D: 12 (0.4%)
A, C, and D: 3 (0.1%)
B, C, and D: 1 (0.0%)
All of the above: 44 (1.4%)
No, I haven't: 1512 (48.6%)

My comics: Irregular Webcomic! | Darths & Droids | Eavesdropper | Planet of Hats | The Dinosaur Whiteboard | mezzacotta
My blogs: (daily updates) | 100 Proofs that the Earth is a Globe (science!) | Carpe DMM (long form posts) | Snot Block & Roll (food reviews)
More comics I host: The Prisoner of Monty Hall | Lightning Made of Owls | Square Root of Minus Garfield | iToons | Comments on a Postcard | Awkward Fumbles
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