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Poll Results

Poll 543: How many different types of fruit do you have in your home right now?

Total votes: 3073

None at all: 464 (15.1%)  
1: 322 (10.5%)
2: 426 (13.9%)
3: 528 (17.2%)
4: 424 (13.8%)
5: 320 (10.4%)
6: 193 (6.3%)
7: 121 (3.9%)
8: 82 (2.7%)
9: 27 (0.9%)
10: 52 (1.7%)
11-12: 41 (1.3%)
13-14: 11 (0.4%)
15-16: 7 (0.2%)
17-18: 3 (0.1%)
19-20: 1 (0.0%)
21-25: 2 (0.1%)
26-30: 1 (0.0%)
31 or more: 48 (1.6%)

There was some interesting discussion about this one on the forums. As usual, I left the question open to different interpretations, and people discussed whether they should just count fresh fruit, or also dried fruit, or even fruit in products such as jams or cakes, or even sauces or even more processed foodstuffs. Then there was (of course) the question of whether or not to count tomatoes, and then also pumpkins, cucumbers, peppers, and further into nuts. Many people on the forums included all of these and ended up counting well over 31 different types of fruit.

It seems from the results, however, that most people probably went the other extreme and only counted fresh fruit, or maybe dried fruit as well.

And then someone suggested the question was not asking how many fruits you had, but how many types of fruit: fresh fruit is 1, dried fruit makes 2, preserved fruit 3, and so on.

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