Donations History
Thank you to the following people. If you are on this list and would rather be anonymous, please let me know.
Month | From | Received | Expense Status |
Oct 2003 | D. Wallace | $10.00 | Paid! |
Nov 2003 | J. Murphy B. Butler | $5.00 $5.00 | Paid! |
Dec 2003 | S. Mclean | $10.00 | Paid! |
Jan-Feb 2004 | S. Koehler | $21.00 | Paid! |
Mar 2004 | P. Sicart P. Stinson | $5.00 $5.00 | Paid! |
Apr 2004 | Z. Rogers | $10.00 | Paid! |
May 2004 | R. Sharpe | $10.00 | Paid! |
Jun 2004 | R. Anstett | $16.00 | Paid! |
Jul 2004 | R. Anstett T. Thomas J. O'Halloran | $4.00 $10.00 $2.00 | Paid! |
Aug 2004 | J. O'Halloran Anon. A. Cowell | $8.00 $7.00 $1.00 | Paid! |
Sep 2004 | A. Cowell | $16.00 | Paid! |
Oct 2004 | V. Eijkhout | $16.00 | Paid! |
Nov 2004-Mar 2005 | S. Koehler | $80.00 | Paid! |
Apr 2005 | A. Loken | $16.00 | Paid! |
May 2005 | A. Loken J. Larue J. Haugholt | $4.00 $5.00 $7.00 | Paid! |
Jun 2005 | J. Haugholt R. Maattanen K. Sabin | $0.50 $10.00 $5.00 | Close enough! |
Jul 2005 | K. Mitcham | $16.00 | Paid! |
Aug 2005 | J. Cotter A. Saunders A. Glashier | $1.00 $10.00 $5.00 | Paid! |
Sep 2005 | B. Zinn | $16.00 | Paid! |
Oct 2005 | R. Sowden R. Maattanen P. Go | $5.00 $10.00 $1.00 | Paid! |
Nov 2005 | J. Mannino | $16.00 | Paid! |
Dec 2005 | Anonymous | $16.00 | Paid! |
Historical FAQ (Sept 2003)
Why are you taking donations?
I'm currently using about 8GB of data transfer per month on my web site. That works out to about 4000 comic strip views
per day. That's ballooned over the past few months on a friend's data pipeline, supplied by a company that charges US$9 per GB.
I'm planning to move to a cheaper dedicated webhost as soon as possible, but I'd like to pay that money back. I'm looking
to raise around US$250 or so to do so.
How do we know you're not just scamming us?
Well, you'll have to trust me. I'll post updates on this page so people can see their donations acknowledged publicly
(anonymously if you like - let me know). Donations from multiple people will pay for hosting costs in advance.
That all sounds reasonable. How can I donate?
Use this link to PayPal.
Donations Received
M. Marron | $10.00 |
M. Stim | $15.00 |
J. Stevenson | $25.00 |
J. Hendriks | $5.00 |
Z. Rogers | $25.00 |
urbanbuda | $10.00 |
J. Fessenden | $10.00 |
M. Karlsson | $10.00 |
P. Go | $10.00 |
J. Gasal | $10.00 |
B. Jauvin-Girard | $2.00 |
raccoon | $11.11 |
R. Barr | $10.00 |
D. Bronson | $20.00 |
M. Virks | $6.66 |
R. Temple | $5.00 |
M. West | $10.00 |
J. Stevenson - again! Wow! | $25.00 |
S. McLane | $5.00 |
D. Hallock | $20.00 |
Anonymous | $5.23 |
Total | US$250.00 |
US$250 target reached! Thank you!