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<   No. 1119   2006-02-18   >

Comic #1119

1 Ophelia: Mercutio, can you fix those spec issues I logged? Don't forget, it needs to be done by Friday.
2 Mercutio: Sure. Let me put it on my Outlook task list.
3 Ophelia: You keep a task list in Outlook?! I didn't think you'd organise your work to that degree, especially with a Microsoft product.
4 Mercutio: Oh, no, I love it. Mr Marlowe checks them. It improves my "appearance of productivity" immensely.

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At my work we've switched from Outlook calendar (which really, truly sucked) to Oracle calendar for keeping track of meetings and appointments. Although the calendar system is a big improvement, I actually miss Outlook's task tracking system. Oracle calendar has one too, but it doesn't have many of the features I regularly used in Outlook.

Oh, and if my boss is reading this.... it's a joke!

2015-06-02 Rerun commentary: Huh. Well, at some point my work switched back from using Oracle Calendar to using Microsoft Outlook as our calendar system. The good news is I can now use Outlook for my task tracking at work, and I still appreciate its features more.

The really odd thing is I think we switched back to Outlook because we discovered that Oracle's calendar system sucked too, only in different ways.

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