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<   No. 1353   2006-10-10   >

Comic #1353

1 Mordekai: Well I'll be. The orcs are all either dead or have run off in fear, and we're all okay!
2 {beat as they look around}
3 {they look around some more}
4 Alvissa: Where's Lambert?
4 Mordekai: Mostly okay...

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I wrote this as three panels, intending to have widescreen panels, but forgot it when I was taking the photos. So I ended up with four shots. When I arranged them like this, I liked the additional pause produced in the middle, as they look from side to side. It's so obvious in hindsight that I should have written it this way to begin with.

2016-04-25 Rerun commentary: If Lambert got burnt in the fireball, there's a mysterious lack of charred body or ash in the vicinity.

On reflection, maybe I should have put a pile of ash somewhere in view. It would have added some dramatic suspense. And maybe some hilarity.

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Last Modified: Monday, 25 April 2016; 03:11:08 PST.
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