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1 {scene: a commercial passenger jet en route to Kathmandu}
1 Steve: From Kathmandu we hire a car and drive to the Khumjung Monastery, which has a real yeti scalp!
2 Steve: If anyone knows where we can find the yeti, it'll be the monks there.
3 Terry: What would monks be doing with a yeti scalp?
4 Steve: Maybe the yeti wanted a haircut like theirs!
4 Terry: Ouch...
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Khumjung is a village in the Khumbu district of Nepal. Its largest claim to fame is as the location of the Khumjung Monastery, which indeed holds the scalp of what is reputed to be a yeti. The relic has been analysed and concluded to be the skin of a serow, a Himalayan goat-like antelope-like creature. Which is weird enough in itself.
As for the haircut, Buddhist monks generally shave their heads, though not quite that close.
Secondly, the guy sitting in front of Steve must think he's on a flight to Hawaii or something, rather than Nepal, because he sure isn't dressed for stepping outside the airport in Kathmandu.
EDIT: Yeah, okay, I've obviously never been to Kathmandu in summer. I dunno... I figured it was in the mountains, so it must be cold all the time. Mountains == cold as far as my experience goes. Okay sure, it's in a valley, but it's still 1400 metres, and that counts as a mountain when you come from Australia. I'm not used to any climate more than a few metres above sea level!
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