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1 Terry: {into phone} Jane! Can you come and help?!
2 Jane Goodall: Terry, by the time I get to Nepal from Africa, Steve is likely to have had his head ripped off, or be turned into a Deep One...
3 Terry: Or... or be driven insane by the mere sight of the horrific cyclopean blasphemy that is Cthulhu!
4 Jane Goodall: Well that much would be an improvement.
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I'm not quite sure how they could turn a normal* human into a Deep One without going back in time and rearranging the circumstances of Steve's conception. But hey, maybe they can do that.
* As in not-a-Deep-One-hybrid, that is.
Also, we see once again that Jane's location isn't specified any more precisely than "Africa", even in the same sentence where she mentions a specific country (Nepal) as a travel destination.
Still, I bet if you addressed mail to "Dame Jane Goodall, Africa", it would get to her.
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