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1 Serron: Oh man, whoever that is trying to rescue us, they suck.
2 Serron: Imagine being captured by this pathetic bunch of goons. How hopeless can you get?
3 Shady black market weapons dealer: All right, in you go with your buddies. {ushers people who look identical to Serron and Iki Piki into the cell}
4 Serron 2: Hi.
4 Iki Piki 2: Hi.
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Oh my. What's going on here then?
I'll just point out that each of the last two panels required two exposures, which I carefully overlaid in Photoshop and then partially transparentified.
This sort of double exposure overlaying is much easier than ones where I cut out something and place it into another scene at a different size. Like has happened a few times...
For this one I just need to shoot the same scene twice without moving the camera, moving only the duplicated miniatures. Then the two shots can be placed in separate layers in Photoshop and a partially transparent mask placed over the top one, adjusted until it shows the figures of both exposures.
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