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1 {scene: A shady bar on a dimly lit street somewhere on Bune.}
1 Serron: This is the same bar where we met that shady black market weapons dealer who stole our organs.
2 Iki Piki: What better place to look for a loan shark?
3 Serron: Just be even more careful this time.
3 Iki Piki: Of course.
4 Iki Piki: {enters bar} Anyone here a loan shark?! And not secretly an organlegger?!
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For anyone not familiar with the term, organlegging is a word that Larry Niven coined to describe an illegal trade in stolen organs in a science fiction context.
Nowadays this is fairly common knowledge, and there are many ways to adjust the colour temperature of display screens on your computer, tablet, phone, and TV so that during the day (when you should be awake) it is more blue, while late in the evening it shifts to a more reddish hue, so that it triggers a sleepiness response and you can get a good night's sleep, rather than being awake and tossing and turning trying to fall asleep.
Fortunately for us, the overall hue of a display device doesn't seriously affect our ability to perceive the correct colours of objects being shown on the display, due to the psychophysical effect of colour constancy. This is the ability of humans to perceive the correct colours of objects under different lighting conditions.
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