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1 Iki Piki: We can't sell our spare organs. They'll be the only thing keeping us alive when we come back in time.
1 Serron: Only one thing for it. We skip the system without paying.
2 Iki Piki: We'll be branded as criminals across an entire section of the Galaxy!
2 Serron: You mean "sector".
3 Iki Piki: No, a sector is a piece of a circle enclosed by an arc and two radii. They don't tessellate. That's a stupid way to organise a galaxy into administrational units.
4 Serron: Oh, and I suppose you've been branded a criminal across one before?
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Taken geometrically, a sector really is a silly shape for splitting up a thing as large as a galaxy into administrational or navigational sub-units. You can get three or four sectors which make convenient sub-units, but each one would have bazillions (yes, that's a technical term) of stars and be of marginal utility beyond considering the galaxy as a whole. What you really want is cubical sections roughly tens to maybe hundreds of parsecs across, so each one contains a workable number of stars. You could fit about a million to 10 million such sections into a typical galaxy.
This is taking it literally of course. "Sector" has effectively been neutered of its geometrical meaning in science fiction.
But in 3D you can also have sectors of spheres, which are conical volumes with a spherical end cap, the centre of the sphere being at the point of the cone. Unfortunately these are even worse shapes for carving up a galaxy, as the cake analogy doesn't apply and there's no sensible way whatsoever to divide a galaxy into a number of spherical sectors. Even if our galaxy was not a spiral galaxy but was a more spherical object (which elliptical galaxies are), spherical sectors are no good, because they don't fit together to fill space - there will always be gaps between them. It's like cutting a rolled sheet of pastry into circles.
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