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1 Me: {writing in diary} On the run from Death: Day 210.
2 Me: {writing in diary} I've travelled far and wide to avoid places where Death lurks.
3 {beat}
4 Me: {writing in diary} Yeah, in hindsight, the Tower of London isn't such a great choice.
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These photos were taken during my recent holiday in England. I realise that's the Tower Bridge behind me, not the Tower of London, but something I didn't realise until I went there and saw it myself is that the reason it's called the Tower Bridge is not because it has a couple of towers, but because it's right next to the Tower of London.
So, in these photos, I am indeed sitting right outside the Tower of London, which is just off-camera to the left. If you don't get the joke, read up a bit on the history of the Tower...
Oh, and not long after making these photos, I was stopped and interviewed by a police officer, who searched my camera bag, on grounds of suspicious activity, potentially related to terrorism. I have a carbon copy of the police report sheet to prove it.
Way more popular than this photo of a little bee-eater, or this pre-wedding portrait of some friends, or this shot of a road sign near Uluru, or this coastal sunset landscape.
It's been that way for years, and I've never quite figured out why... until now, maybe?
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