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<   No. 2488   2009-11-18   >

Comic #2488

1 Steve: Jane!
2 Jane Goodall: The Balrog! Quick! Where is it?
2 Steve: Crikey! Um... it ran off!
3 Jane Goodall: It ran off?! Quick! Sound the alarms! We have to evacuate the entire city!
4 Terry: Now look what you've done, Steve. Why didn't you tell her the truth?
4 Steve: And have her be mad at me?

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I've often wondered how you'd evacuate an entire city. I don't think it would be an easy thing to do. Alas we saw just how dificult it was in 2005 when New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

2023-09-30 Rerun commentary: A Balrog running loose in a modern city would make an awesome movie. It's kind of a shame that the Tolkien Estate would never allow it to be made.

Seriously, imagine if they did green-light such a project. It'd be fantastic!

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