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1 Mercutio: Welcome to our new office!
2 Shakespeare: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
3 Mercutio: Yep. We get windows. I thought it'd make a nice change from featureless cubicles.
4 Shakespeare: No, I was talking about the new version of Windows on this computer!
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Indeed, I think this set will be a nice change from the featureless cubicles for the purposes of the comic too! Although it will be a bit more challenging to shoot, as I've already discovered.
Inspired by my experiment with using an iPad as a background for the Space theme, I went one step further here. The background you can see in this comic is actually there behind the set, so there's no Photoshopping involved here. It's not a real view though - it's a photo on my computer screen, and the set is set up on a box in front of the screen.
The photo is one I took myself, from a place not too far from where I live:
This would be a pretty spiffing place to have a trendy, artsy office. It's not in the heart of Sydney's business district (which you can see in the photo, where all those high-rise buildings are), but it's close enough for a great view and far away enough to have a funky suburban vibe.
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