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1 X: Greetings! My name is X; I am a semi-omnipotent being from the X Continuum!
2 Iki Piki: How did you get on the ship? We're in deep space.
3 X: Is there something about "semi-omnipotent" that you don't understand?
4 Iki Piki: Yes, how you can be semi-omnipotently condescending without giving an actual answer to my question.
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Star Trek fans will no doubt recognise the parody source material here.
Wait... I mean... The character of X is wholly my own invention.
Given the number of semi-omnipotent beings running around in the Star Trek universe, it's a wonder that any lesser species such as humans or Klingons* can get anything done.
* Why is that science-fictional alien species names are usually capitalised, whereas "humans" never is? I think maybe it's because our fiction tends to treat aliens as different "cultures" rather than different species, and so marking their name with a capital letter is some form of subconscious cultural respect, in the same way that we talk about French or Chinese or Peruvians or Aztecs.
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