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<   No. 3545   2016-10-27   >

Comic #3545

1 Serron: Now what?
1 Paris: We continue on our voyage to Triana to deliver and sell our cargo.
2 Serron: I'm going to my cabin. Wake me either when we get there or when we encounter more inscrutably malevolent aliens.
3 Iki Piki: You want to face death awake?
3 Serron: I want a chance to negotiate exchange of goods on favourable economic terms.
4 Paris: You want to rip them off.
4 Serron: That's what I just said.

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One presumes that in between all of the exciting adventures we see in episodic space exploration programs such as Star Trek, there are weeks of nothing but boring routine, when the crew starts sleeping a lot and going a bit stir crazy. Except McCoy would call it "space crazy" and recommend shore leave on the nearest planet with green-skinned space babes.

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