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1 Jamie: Here we are again, cycling through the Scottish highlands. Up the hill and down the hill and up the hill and down the hill…
2 {beat}
3 {beat}
4 Adam: You know... <puff>... some people... <puff>... do this for fun?
4 Jamie: That's got to be... <puff>... a myth.
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I never had a bicycle as a child, and never learnt to ride until I was an adult. I still have never owned a bicycle, and have only ever ridden ones that I've borrowed or hired. And I've never done any bike riding more extensive than a short sightseeing trip.
I think I'd enjoy cycling to work, if there was a route I could take that didn't involve cycling on roads with cars. In Sydney where I live, the infrastructure for bicycling is appalling. There are a few cycle paths that avoid vehicular traffic, but they are isolated and not connected into a useful urban transport system. Thus anyone cycling as a means of getting around the city is usually forced to compete with traffic on regular roads. Many people do this, but I for one am too terrified to ever try cycling on a road.
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