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1 Quercus: We skew into hyperspace and travel a certain distance, and when we return to realspace we've covered a greater distance, right?
1 Spanners: Yes.
2 Quercus: What if we skew from hyperspace into a hyper-hyperspace? Then use that to cover the hyperspace distance faster and with less fuel?
3 Spanners: That…
4 Spanners: Surely that can't work?
4 Quercus: As they said to Wilbur and Orville...
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Honestly, I thought I'd written myself into a corner with this problem of getting to Triana with not enough fuel or supplies for everyone to survive the trip. But then this idea occurred to me.
Since this is an ongoing serial comic, rather than a fully plotted story with an end point, only some things are planned out in advance, and other things just get made up as the story develops. I don't really have an issue with this sort of writing, or of ending up in tricky plotting corners, as I find a solution almost inevitably presents itself.
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