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1 Prof. Jones: Mmm. Feels like nobody's sat in this chair for a long, long, long time.
2 Prof. Jones: The exact opposite of that feeling when someone stands up on the train and you sit where they were just sitting.
3 Prof. Jones: Yes, it feels almost like it's sucking the very life force from my body...
4 Prof. Jones: Exactly like the metal seats at King's Cross station on a winter morning.
4 SFX: shudder!
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Anyone who's ever sat on a metal seat early on a winter morning knows exactly what this feels like.
I figured there must be some London railway stations with metal seats, so searched to see if I could find some, and lo, there were! East Croydon also popped up in the search results, but the seats at King's Cross[1] seem to have some particular infamy, with dozens of negative reviews and comments about them, so I used those.
[1] I find it really difficult typing "King's Cross" with an apostrophe. Usage in London is in fact inconsistent, with forms both with and without an apostrophe being used. The name does derive from a possessive, coming from a reference to a monument to King George IV which stood in the area from 1830 to 1845. So by normal rules of English, it should have an apostrophe. However, place names don't always follow normal rules of English.
In fact, here in Australia, the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales, which officially approves and lists all geographical names in the state (including street names), has an explicit rule that apostrophes are not allowed in place names. So the Kings Cross in Sydney is always spelt without an apostrophe, and that's the way I'm used to seeing it.
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