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1 Kyros: So, Alvissa, what's the basis of elven philosophy?
2 Alvissa: As an ancient elven philosopher once said: "God does not play dice with the universe."
3 Kyros: *snort* How naïve.
4 Kyros: Not only does God play dice, sometimes he ignores the result and just says it worked.
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2011-12-12 Rerun commentary: Ah, the beginning of Alvissa's obsession with ancient elven philosophy.
The interesting this about this strip is that it implies that Albert Einstein was an ancient elven philosopher. Wow, the things you learn!
And don't quote me on this - I've been wrong a couple of times already in these rerun comments when I've said "this is the first time X appears" - but I think this might be the first only the second the fourth the seventh time we see a horse in the Fantasy theme. Lambert and Mordekai are back there having a conversation next to their four-legged friend in the background.
I like to put little scene vignettes into the background of strips, to make it look like there's something else happening in the story that you're only getting a glimpse of. I probably ended up doing it less than I would have liked, but it's certainly a recurring theme as the comic matures.
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