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1 Terry: So by creating an infinite number of copies of Cthulhu, we've doomed the universe?
2 Simon: Well, "doom" is a tad overly dramatic. I wouldn't put it quite that way.
3 Terry: How would you put it?
4 Simon: The entirety of all space, time, and other dimensions across the whole multiverse is a dead duck!
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I changed my originally scripted "a bit overly dramatic" to "a tad overly dramatic" at the last minute when making this strip. It just sounded better, I think.
It seems the etymology of "tad" is that the word probably derives from "tadpole", and was originally used in the late 19th century to refer to a child or young person. The meaning then migrated in the early 20th century to mean "a small amount" - the Oxford Dictionary says from the 1940s, but other online sources give citations back to 1915.
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