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1 Spanners: I've run a level 2 diagnostic on the computer. It's infected with Russian malware.
2 Iki Piki: How come this sort of thing never happens on Star Trek?
3 Spanners: Because it's an idealistic vision of the future, where poverty and inequality have been eliminated. There's no motive.
4 Serron: Actually, Chekov was mining Bitcoins with a botnet running on every computer in Starfleet.
4 Iki Piki: We never saw that.
4 Serron: See how clever he was?
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Actually, as pointed out by kibitzers in the lunch room while I was writing this comic one day during the lunch break at work, the computers in Star Trek do get taken over by alien forces a few times. Usually to do things like turn off the life support or fire on friendly vessels or keep the crew off the bridge by locking all the doors.
Do you really want that Amazon Alexa or Apple HomePod controlling all the lighting, environment control, and door locks in your house??
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