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1 Bonnie: Excuse me, we're looking for fissile material.
2 Student: It's up on the second… wait. What do you want it for?
3 Bonnie: To build a nuclear bomb.
4 Student: Oh! Second floor tea room. I thought you might have been a chemistry student up to something nefarious.
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I got this New York minifigure from the LEGO shop in the Rockefeller Centre in New York City. He came on a 2×4 brick base with magnets, which can be used as a souvenir fridge magnet, and has been stuck on my fridge ever since mid-2016.
I recently did a thorough clean of the kitchen, including cleaning the entire exterior surface of the fridge, removing all the various magnets, and dusting them off to clean those too. I realised that rather than sit on the fridge collecting dust, it would be better to stick this guy into my minifigure collection and occasionally use him (or pieces of him) as supporting characters in the comic. So here he is!
The physics department where I studied for my undergraduate and postgraduate degrees had a tea room on the second floor. Morning tea was an unshakeable ritual, and all staff would gather there for it daily at 10:00 precisely (unless they were unfortunate enough to have a lecture scheduled at that time).
So I'm pretty certain that every physics department at every university has a second floor tea room.
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