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Classic comic reruns every day
1 Ishmael: Look, whether you believe me or not, my cat's missing. Will you help me find him?
2 Elspeth: I can design a "lost cat" poster. Do you have a photo of him?
3 {beat}
4 Ishmael: You said you were following me on Instagram!
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I believe that's New York guy in the background again, behind Ishmael. Wearing a cap this time. He must be incognito.
Presumably he's a Mets fan.
On that trip to New York City in 2016 where I picked up the "New York guy" minifigure, my wife and I wanted to catch a baseball game. She wanted to see the Yankees, mostly because she was familiar with them. But the week we were there, the Yankees were playing on the road, so our only option was a Mets game. We attended a game against the Pittsburgh Pirates, which the Mets won 6-4. We were privileged to see Bartolo Colón score a run after getting on base with a lead-off double. (Which I believe is pretty impressive if you know your Major League Baseball stats.)
I normally take a digital SLR when I travel, but on this trip I left it at home. Instead, I took an old 35mm film camera. Not only did I take a film camera, but the only film I took was black and white. I ended up shooting six rolls of black and white film - about 200 shots. In the same time I also took over 500 shots on my phone, so as it turns out most of my photos from that trip are in colour. But I'm still pleased I decided to shoot black and white film.
Anyway, I've put some of the best shots up in this set on Flickr if you're curious to see them.
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