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1 {scene: the ship has landed safely at a spaceport on Triana}
1 Triana traffic control: Nice landing. Welcome to Triana.
1 Spanners: Thanks.
2 Triana traffic control: By the way, your radio went dead for the last 90 seconds before landing. Might want to get that checked.
3 Spanners: Do you have safety regulations about that?
4 Triana traffic control: Ah, heck no. We're a libertarian society. Fly a complete deathtrap ship if you want.
4 Serron: Awesome!
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The first reader who can correctly identify where I took the photo used as the background will win a prize. I'll send you a book from my personal library - a book that's been sitting on my shelf for several years. A book that is related to the location.
That's enough hints for now. I need the answer correct enough to identify the building, so just the city is not enough. You can answer either by email or in the forums.
EDIT: The background has been identified! I'll reveal details in the next Space strip.
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