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1 Serron: I like this planet. All recreational drugs are legal. They don't care what custom mods we make to our ship.
2 Serron: It's completely lawless! We can do anything we want!
3 Serron: Why haven't we come here before now?
4 {two armed thugs arrive}
4 Thug 1: Hi, we heard you have a big cargo of drugs. Hand them over or we'll kill you.
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I'm writing this ahead of time, so I'm not sure if the background photo identification challenge in the previous Space strip has been won yet or not. If not, this strip provides further clues as we see a less blurred version.
(Edit before publication) And in fact the challenge has been won before this strip was published! The place in the background photo has been correctly identified as the pavilion at Lord's Cricket Ground in St John's Wood, London, by forum poster Ilanin. The photo I used is visible in my Flickr account:
If the ground doesn't look level, it's not because I had the camera tilted, it's because the ground isn't level. The playing field at Lord's is 2.5 metres higher at the north-west side than the south-east side. The slope is so distinctive and famous in the cricketing world that there's an entire Wikipedia article about it. It's one of those quirks of this ancient cricket ground that nobody has ever been bothered to straighten out.
Ilanin's prize of a book from my personal collection related to Lord's is on its way to him! (Actually, he may already have received it by now.)
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