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1 Long Tom: I be lookin’ forward to seein’ what apprentice bosun Higgs be cookin’ up for dinner.
2 Dirque: Aye! I be sick an’ tired o’ the same food all the time.
3 Long Tom: Lucky we never be tirin’ o’ the treasure we be plunderin’.
4 Dirque: Aye. A thing o’ booty be a joy forever!
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The saying comes from the first line of the poem Endymion, by John Keats.
The original line is quoted in several movies:
The whole of Endymion is about 4000 lines of iambic pentameter, split into four books, and tells the story of Endymion, a shepherd originally from Greek mythology. In the original myth, Selene, goddess of the moon, spies Endymion sleeping and falls in love with him. Various different surviving accounts tell different stories of what happens from there, and Keats follows the Greek tradition of coming up with a new version, going so far as renaming Selene to Cynthia. Keats's version tells the tale of Endymion descending into the Underworld to search for Cynthia, but being sidetracked by meeting an Indian woman, who he falls in love with. They find Cynthia, but now Endymion prefers his new Indian squeeze, and she dismisses them back to Earth. Here, the Indian woman departs, leaving Endymion distraught - now having lost both the loves of his life... Until he finds her again and she admits that she is in fact Cynthia! She tried to get over the forbidden love between mortal and immortal, leaving Endymion for good, but could not, and they are reunited.
Interestingly, when the poem was published in 1818, it was received very poorly. Even Keats himself considered it a difficult and unrewarding poem, which he saw more as an exercise in writing than as a great work to be read.
So there you go. Even if you hate your own creative work, people may still be writing about it 200 years later.
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